
The launch of The universAAL IoT Coalition

universAAL IoT is an open source platform distributed with Apache License 2.0 that enables seamless interoperability of devices, services and applications on an unprecedented scale. It provides the framework for communication, connectivity and compatibility between otherwise disparate products and services, and enables rapid integration and deployment of innovative IoT solutions across domains, vendors, devices, locations, and deployment strategies. Products and service solutions on top of universAAL will be able to serve as a catalyst for a truly customised lifestyle experience.

Following many years and iterations as academic led R&I projects [1], The universAAL IoT Coalition (uIC) is now being launched as a public facing, open and non-profit international association in Brussels in order to bridge the open source community  of universAAL to the market.

Six European organizations [2] are preparing everything for registering the uIC by the end of October this year. In this document you will find their statements about the motivation to take this step.

The following extract from the uIC Statute summarizes the purpose, vision and mission of the uIC:

The General Assembly of the founders has formed the uIC Directorate with the following members in order to manage the activities of the uIC in its startup phase:

  • General Director: Mohammad-Reza (Saied) Tazari
  • Regulatory Director: Sergio Guillen Barrionuevo
  • Financial Director: María Fernanda Cabrera Umpiérrez
  • Marketing Director: Bruno Jean-Bart

The founders and the uIC Directorate invite you to get prepared for joining the uIC; related details will be announced here as soon as the legal steps for registering the uIC in Brussels conclude.
So, please stay in touch!

[1]Two successive R&D projects – PERSONA (2007-2010) & universAAL (2010-2013) – and an innovation project that brought the evidence of universAAL applicability in real life – ReAAL (2013-2016).
  1. CERTH-ITI <www.iti.gr>
  2. Fraunhofer IGD <www.igd.fraunhofer.de>
  3. Institute ITACA of UPV <www.itaca.upv.es>
  4. Institute LifeSTech of UPM <www.lst.tfo.upm.es>
  5. MySphera <www.mysphera.com>
  6. TRIALOG <www.trialog.com>


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